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Saturday, May 12, 2012

About The Royal Alex

There are usually between 20 and 30 children on active treatment within the hospital's NHS Trust catchment area.

With 31 beds in total, the medical ward incorporates the Oncology Ward. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and cares for babies, children and young people up to the age of 19.

The hospital cares for children with a wide range of medical conditions, including cystic fibrosis, asthma, diabetes, oxygen dependency, infectious diseases, complex needs, overdoses, psychiatric issues such as self harming and chest infections such as pneumonia, respiratory and metabolic disorders.

The ward is supported by dedicated play specialists who will spend time with children and young people during their stay. To support their work, the ward has a dedicated play area with toys for children and a separate room for adolescents with play stations, pool table and TV. 

The ward has 19 single bedrooms with their own bathrooms, giving children and their parents or carers plenty of privacy and quiet. Two of these are designed for older children, with a semi-separated parents’ bedroom for more privacy. The other beds are in roomy four-bed bays with an en suite bathroom. These have plenty of central space for parents to sit and children to play with toys.

All bedrooms have specially designed low-level windows for children to look out of when they’re lying in bed. All beds have a television allowing children access to a range of channels. There are also pay phones by the side of the beds, so that parents and children can remain in contact with one another. 

For more information please visit the Royal Alex's website.